Galerie Crystal Ball


Eröffnung am 14.1. um 19 Uhr

Apfelmus – 16 Jahre Galerie Crystal Ball
Ausstellungssalon und Veranstaltungsreihe

Performances zur Eröffnung:
20:00 Lydia Karstadt: All You Need
22:00 Danja Schilling: Danger Danger/ Volume 2: Apfelmus

Ein Paket mit der Aufschrift Apfelmus steht auf einer Wiese
Apfelmus, Karton/ Papier/ Shellack, M. Kirschner, 1996

Lydia Karstadt wanted “Applesauce” to be a thematic group exhibition for her birthday, because in 2023 the Crystal Ball phenomenon will be 16 years old. It is true that there is probably not much left to celebrate at the moment. But “Applesauce” is supposed to convey its positive impact in a reflection on essential life contents. Peace and human renaturation. The subordination of human existence to the ecological sphere appears as the inevitable, only way out of the crisis. In Karstadt’s view, art is never an opponent or even a target, but a partner in the conflict for a future.
Numerous foodstuffs have taken on a higher significance in the museum art context in recent months as a result of the protest culture. Thus applesauce can be a performative device; political statement, enigmatic object, poetic sphere, or just a big old cardboard box with “applesauce” written on it. The playful exhibition in Crystal Ball shows positions of artists who, through the subject and its field of interpretation, imply associations of transience in their work. The exhibition salon is accompanied by a program of events. Performances will be shown at the opening.

Françoise Cactus, Evita Emersleben, Ersatzschrankorchester, Gabi Garland, Elke Graalfs, Miriam Jadischke, Manfred Kirschner, Andreas Kotulla, Gabriele Regiert, Danja Schilling, Caren Sielaff, Juwelia St. St., Lydia Karstadt, Vikenti Komminski, C.C. Kruse, Agnieszka Pasek, Frank Schoppmeier, Silky, Berit Schneider, Veronika Schumacher, Uwe Teichmann, The Wa, die Zugvögel und weiteren Künstler:innen

Aria of the god of happiness: Brother, you make my eyes wet. I see your life is no fun. Here is an apple, look, I have three, so I can give you one. I don’t see anything excessive about it, we can both live. Now promise me you won’t swallow the seeds in your greed, but before I leave, spit them into the ground. And if it becomes an apple tree in the middle of your field, then come and get the apples from the tree which you cultivate. (Brecht/ Dessau)

The Wa, unfinished dog

Freitag, 20.01. um 19 Uhr
analogSCHATTEN  – Die Zugvögel Improvisation mit Licht und Schatten

Freitag 03.02. um 19:30 Uhr
ERDEN. Naturphilosophische Brocken – Buchpräsentation
Extraktionsregime, Wahlverwandtschaften, Körpersaftanaly­sen, alternative Naturepistemologien: Der von Ivo Gurschler, Andreas Hofbauer und Alexander Klose herausgegebene Band 45 der Schriften zur Verkehrswissenschaft versammelt “notwendig fragmen­tarisch bleibende Vorstöße, um über Natur in Krisenzeiten nachzudenken“.
Präsentation, Projektionen und Podiumsgespräch mit den Herausgebern und Autor:innen

Samstag, 25.2. um 19 Uhr/  Finissage
– der Film, Thedinghausen 1996
M. Kirschner, Sound von Christian C. Kruse
Wiederaufführung mit Performances:
Wie man einen halben Pudding macht – Evita Emersleben
The Making Of Apfelmus- Manfred Kirschner

Crystal Ball Berlin