Galerie Crystal Ball

Siebdruck T-Shirt Labor

Tuesdays from 2 to 4 p.m,

from February 15th, with a maximum of 4 participants. Access according to current hygiene rules with daily neg. test. Basic course: aesthetic practice & basic skills for textile screen printing Registration please phone/ call once! (no voice messages) Tel: 0151 55 91 0099 (11 am to 10 pm)

Seviervorschlag, Crystal Ball, 2022 c. Lydia Karstadt

In the basic course with screen printing icon Lydia Karstadt you will learn basic techniques of the screen printing process. From the beginning of the idea, your inspiration over drawing to the development and realization of a motif with serigraphy. You will learn and later be able to coat, dry, expose with your motif, professionally wash out, re-expose & prepare for printing.You will learn more about color selection / color effects and learn independent printing on the screen printing machinewith textile stage and the correct use of the squeegee for good color economy. Material costs one-time (screen, coating, colors, T-shirts, other) : 120,-, Participation each: 25,-.

Following Course: (Summer 2022) Silk Screen Print Collage Couture

presense performance workshop

14th. – 17th.  september from 2 to 7 p.m.
Head: Manfred Kirschner

Chalk performance

crystal ball gallery offers a performance workshop in three parts from autumn 2017 onwards. In the first workshop basic techniques and effects of performance are developed. Emanating from meditative techniques of perception and presence, the body, the movement, the voice and thus the action are developed as acts of an individual performance in which you can formulate yourself. The basicworkshop also includes physical work and theory of performative practice. the performances are also continued with personal materials such as subjects, themes and settings. optionally they can be shown later in the gallery in a presentation.

Collage Garage 2.0

Collage Garage/ 11.4. – 27.4./ Tue., Wed., Thu., 3 to 7 p.m.
Vernissage: 30.4., 7 p.m./ Exhibition until 14 May 2017

Gabor, Gabi Garland, 24 x 18 cm, paper/pencil on cardboard, Brooklyn, 2016

Collage Theory, Practise & Exhibit your works at Crystal Ball Gallery

Gallery Crystal Ball presents an open participatory project based on an idea by Gabi Garland, Eunice Kim and Lydia Karstadt from Brooklyn, N.Y.

The gallery becomes an open studio by you ! Create your works,
participate in collage theory and then present your works in a gallery exhibition.

Crystal Ball Berlin