Galerie Crystal Ball

Henrik Jacob & Andreas Kotulla – Ming

12.05. – 02.6.2007
Exhibition opening with a multi-part performance by the artists.

Ming Gallery, Henrik Jakob, Kneading Painting

The exhibition Ming shows a collaboration based on the mutual offer of exchanging technology and subject. Henrik Jacob, known for his kneading paintings, which put aside the eternity character of painting, Andreas Kotulla, who perforates the thin border of painting in his drawings, have created a series of Mingvases whose sensitive malleable materiality, through their changeability, examines both the pictorial nature of the thing and the image itself.


13. 04. – 05. 05. 2007

In this exhibition, the Crystal Ball Gallery presents a selection of artistic positions on the theme of the end of the world. These artists associate the theme with the imagination of a global catastrophe as well as with personal ideas and their “signs” of an imminent ending visualized by conditioned viewing habits.

Ole Wulfers, Death Soup

Participating artists: Marion Bösen, Sara Björnsdéttir, Ben Cottrell, Stefan Demming, Marcia Farquhar, Anja Fussbach, Grell, Mareike Hube, Henrik Jacob, Andreas Kotulla, J. Maizlish Mole, Christ Off, Veronika Schumacher, Kinki Texas, Silke Thoss, Zoe Thorne, Sabine Wewer, Ole Wulfers

Silke Thoss – It's Magic!

Saturday, the 3rd March 2007
Opening of the Gallery Crystal Ball Berlin

Exhibition Opening: Silke Thoss – It’s Magic !
Painting/ Performance

Silke Thoss: Art Cola, painting

Works by the artist Silke Thoss are presented in the opening exhibition of the Crystal Ball Gallery. With a musical performance by Silke Thoss, Mareike Hube and Ole Wulfers.

Silke Thoss: Smoke a litte bit longer
Crystal Ball Berlin